A blog with varied articles on Sephardic Roots, all about the Tzaddik of the generation, Jewish Law, Kashrut, Shabbat, and Purity.

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Anyone who says this prayer with all his heart, will be able to reverse a bad decree, changing it to good judgment, and he will have the merit to see open miracles from the Creator of the world.

1) Thank You, Beloved Creator, Blessed are You Melech, king of Kings and Master of the World. I so appreciate being before You to show my gratefulness (Gratitude). Boré Olam Todá!

2) Thank You, oh Eternal, Boré Ahuv Thank You for everything you gave me, for Your grace, Loving - kindness and Your mercy (Chen, Chesed & Rachamim).

3) Thank You for all the things we enjoy in the world.

4) Thank You for the infinite times that You helped me, supported me, rescued me, encouraged me, cured me, guarded over me, and made me joyful to do your will wholeheartedly.

5) Thank You for giving me Koach (the strength) to do Tzedakah and Mishpat, Derech Hashem, Gemilut Hasadim (Maasim Tovim/Hasadim Tovim), Avodat Hashem (prayer) & Talmud Torá.

6) Thank You for always being with me.

7) Thank You for all the times You helped me and I didn't know how to say Thank You.

8) Thank You for all the Hesed / loving kindnesses that You do for me each moment, and every time. All your blessings, the Parnasá, The Kalkalá that You give me in your abundant kindness and mercy.

9) Thank You for every breath air that I breathe and for the Breath of life that you give me Tamid.

10) And Thank You, for the bitter moments, the periodic difficulties, my occasional setbacks, and for the times when I don't feel joyful, the time that are not good, but allows me to appreciate the good.

11) Thank you for the Chaim Ha’Niflayim, and for my wife, a wonderful wife you have given me, thank you.

12) Thank You for the things we have, the small and the big. For everything comes from You, not from anyone else.

13) Thank You for listening to our Tefilot always.

14) Creator of the World, I apologize from the bottom of my heart for all the times I didn't appreciate what You gave me, and for complaining instead.

15) Please, Beloved Father in Heaven, promise that You will always be with me, that You'll never cast me away.


Rav Eliezer Berland;          Rav Alon Anava;
Rav Ya’akov Addes;          Rav Yitzchak Yosef;            Rav David Yosef;
Rav Chaim Mendelsohn;    R. Chaim Shlomo Cohen;    R. Yossi Drihem;
Rav David Abuchatzeira;    Rav Benyamin Benhamou;   R. Yigal Cohen
Rav Shalom Arush;           Rav Meir Mazuz;                Zamir Cohen
R. Moshe Sharf;               R. Chaim Cohen                Mendel Cohen
R. David Baruch Lau Ben Meir;  Rav Chaim Ha’Cohen & family


R. Menachem Mendel Shneerson;      R. Levy Yitzchack Shneerson
R. Meir Baal Ha’Ness,                           R. Elyahu Manis,
R. Shlomo Yitzchaki (Rashi),                 R. HaGra – Eliahu Kremer (G Vilna)
R. Aharele Rokeach (Rebbe mi Belz),   
R. Menachem Mendel Ben Yosef Mi Reminov (Tuesday Ner),
R. Yochanan Ben Zakai,                       R. Eliezer Hyrkanus,
R. Klausenberg Rebbe,                         R. Yosef Dayan Ha’Mekubal,
R. Chaim Ben Attar (Ohr Ha’Chaim),  R. Chanina Ben Dosa
R. Maran Ovadyah Yosef,                    R. Shlomo Goldman, Zevihler Rebbe,
R. Yitzchak Luria (Arizal),                     R. Israel Abuchatzeira (Baba Sale)
R. Elazar Abuchatzeira,                       R. Gaon of Saadiah,
R. Nisim Chaim (Moshe modal of Izmir),  
R. Yitzchak Kaduri,                                R. Yehuda Ha’Chassid,
R. Amram Azulai (Masmid),                  R. Israel Ben Eliezer (Baal Shem Tov)
R. Rebbe Nachman (18 Tishrei),           R. Shlomo Vaznah
R. Abraham Bar Tzalach,                     R. Yaakov Pithusi,
R. Arieh Leib Epstein,                          R.Sh’muel Sheinberg,
R. Moshé Ben Maimon (Rambam),     R. Moshé Ben Nachman (Ramban)
R. Elchanan Bunim Wasserman,        R. Chaim Rapapor Ha’Cohen,
R. Yehuda Fataye Ben Muriam,          
R. Yisachar Dov Lipshitz,
R. Mushulem Feish Ben Mordechai the Tosher Rebbe
R. Sh’lomo Amsallem (Benei Shlomo), R. Fisher
R. Moshe Yitzakoff Ha’Cohen,            R. Chaim of Kosov

Rav Jaim Kanievski Z"tl
R. Abbaye Ha’Kohen,   R. Israel Meir Ha’Kohen (the Chafetz Ha’Chaim)
R. Akiva Ben Yosef,   R. Chaim Chori (Matza Chaim),
R. Ya’akov Abuchatzeira,  R.Shimon Bar Yochai,
R. Aaron Leib Steinman,  R.Shneur Zalman of Liadi (Alter Rebbe)
R. Dovber Schneuri (Mitteler Rebbe), 
R. Chaim Vital,
R.Menachem M. Schneersohn (Tzemach Tzedek),
R.Shmuel Schneersohn (Rebbe Maharash),  
R. Eli Ha'Kohen, 
R.Sholom Dovber Schneersohn (Rebbe Rashab),
R. David Abuchatzeira,  R. Chaim Habib Ben Rafael,
R. Yitzchak Abuchatzeira,  R. Moshe Chaim Luzzato (Ramchal),
R. Chaim Ben Yitzchak (Chaim of Volozhin), R. Mordechai Ben YaIr,
R. Shimon HaTzaddik,    R. Yehuda Simes, Rav Mordechai Sharabi,


Sarah – Rivkah – Rachel – Leah Gracia Chana Mendez Nasí Z”l
Chaya Mushkah Shneersohn Rachel Savua Akiva
Rachel Mazouz Chana Shneersohn (Mother)
Sara Ruti Bat Simcha Esther Bat Avichail (Dodo-Mordechai)
Miriam Bat Amram Yocheved Bat Levi
Chana V’7 Baneha Rut & Noemi
Devorah, Yael, Yehudith


Rabbi Akiva says that, “To love your fellow as yourself,” is a great basic principle of the Torah. (Leviticus 19:18, Midrash


Enerio Yochanan Benorinu and Kerovim; Wife Rivka Wiwiet & Kerovim; Louise St-Jean that had no womb and children, but unlike Sarah, she has no Zechut. Marianne Assouline Home & Kerovim; Tziyon Elkabas; Ovadia Daga and Daughter, Yitzhak Eipstein & Daughter, Yanick (Yael) Gabriel; Yosef Shimshon SHIMSHON, David Partouch & Family; Rabbi Glustein & Family; Rabbi Gottesman & Family; Tamara & Son Daniel; Orino (rd) J B Ben Janvier;


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